ACSR Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced bare cable
1.Transmissionand distribution of electric power had large span.
2.Transmissionand distribution of electric power with high and very high voltage.
3.Electricpower distribution from Power Station to sub cities.
Productionaccroding to ASTM-B232,BS215-2,and IEC60189,DIN48201.
G1A or G2Asteel wire
Zinccoating steel wire
Above -20°C
Working temperature:
Not exceed80°C
Layingbending radius:
Not lessthan 30 times the cables outer diameter
ASTM-B232 Standard specification for Concentric-Lay-StrandedAluminum 1350 Conductors
BS215-2 Aluminium conductors steel-reinforced —Foroverhead power transmission
DIN48204 Steelreinforced aluminum stranded conductors
Customized typeavailable.
Aobest Company ACSR code names:
CodeName from ASTM-B231 AAC |
Bluebonnet | Goldenrod | Syringa |
Trillium | Cockscomb | Goldentuft |
Bitterroot | Snapdragon | Canna |
Lupine | Arbutus | Daffodil |
Sagebrush | Lilac | Tulip |
Cowslip | Petunia | Peony |
Jessamine | Cattail | Daisy |
Coreopsis | Violet | Laurel |
Gladiolus | Nasturtium | Sneezewort |
Carnation | Verbena | Valerian |
Columbine | Flag | Oxlip |
Narcissus | Heuchera | Phlox |
Hawthorn | Orchid | Aster |
Marigold | Meadowsweet | Poppy |
Bluebell | Dahlia | Pansy |
Larkspur | Mistletoe | Iris |
Hawkweed | Zinnia | Rose |
Camellia | Hyacinth | Peachbell |
Magnolia | Cosmos | |
CodeName from ASTM-B232 ACSR |
Thrasher | Bluejay | Gannet | Flicker | Guinea |
Kiwi | Curlew | Flamingo | Pelican | Leghorn |
Bluebird | Ortolan | Egret | Lark | QuailC |
Chukar | Tanager | Scoter | Ibis | Minorca |
Falcon | Cardinal | Grosbeak | Brant | RavenC |
Lapwing | Rail | Rook | Chickadee | |
Parrot | Catbird | Swift | Oriole | Petrel |
Nuthatch | Canary | Kingbird | Linnet | RobinC |
Plover | Ruddy | Teal | Merlin | Grouse |
Bobolink | Mallard | WoodDuck | Ostrich | SparateC |
Martin | Condor | Squab | Partridge | SparrowC |
Dipper | Tern | Peacock | Waxwing | SwanateC |
Pheasant | Drake | Eagle | PenguinC | SwanC |
Bittern | Cuckoo | Dove | Cochin | . |
Skylark | Coot | Parakeet | Brahma | TurkeyC |
Grackle | Redwing | Osprey | Dorking | |
Bunting | Starling | Hen | Dotterel | |
Finch | Stilt | Hawk | PigeonC | |
More other types of PVC/XLPE power cabls, rubber cables, ABC cables,control cables can be produced by Aobest. Pls contact us freely if other cable needed.
ACSR bare cable